5 ways to ensure romance is a part of your 2022 goals

Tania Trozzo
4 min readJan 7, 2022

Happy New Year! I don’t know about all of you, but I feel as though the year 2022 just sprang on us rather quickly when in all reality, it probably didn’t. I know many of you have already made your New Year’s resolutions/goals for the year 2022.

I personally have 3 pages of them in every sector of my life, from my real job at an online tech company to my writing, from fitness to family. Do I always complete all of them? Probably not. It does, however, help me set the tone for the entire year and, honestly, I get pretty darn close. I am one of those people that believes in over goaling themselves, so if I miss it, I’m still technically within the goal.

One thing I know that most people don’t have a New Year’s resolution for is with their significant other especially in the romance department. For some people, it may feel difficult to be romantic but in all actuality it really isn’t. It’s all about the small stuff that over time show, prove and remind your significant other that the love is there.

Here are 5 ways to start including romance or at least focusing a bit more on your relationship with your partner as part of your 2022 goals.

1. Start small. I’ll keep saying it. So, you don’t have the funds to skywrite your feelings or to book the fanciest restaurant in town. Who cares? While those actions may be great for those that want that, you can show you care with simpler methods. How about goal yourself to show the love once a week? It can be as simple as writing a note at the start of each week and putting it on their mirror or hidden in their work bag. How about a love email if you don’t want to write a love letter? Maybe you can send them a song that reminds them of you. Or give them a call ‘just because.’ Again, behind every small act, lie ‘big’ emotions and feelings.

2. Sit down with your partner and make a list. I like to refer it to a bucket list, but it doesn’t have to. It could be as simple as setting 3–5 goals for the year. For instance, it could include a recurring date each month or once a quarter (that’s only 4 dates a year!) Or maybe going away one weekend before 2022 ends. You can try one of his favorite activities and he can try one of yours. Or going to that new place both of you have been wanting to try. Take a class together. The ideas are endless. That is why making a list may help.

3. Set deadlines. I know it sounds very goal oriented and business like. Initially, you’re going to have to treat it like every other goal you have. If not? It just falls to the wayside by those goals that you have plans and deadlines set for. If you train for a marathon, you have to put in the time, make a plan, and set smaller goals or deadlines so you’re ready for race day. The same qualifies here. Initially you’ll be setting deadlines and guess what? You may blow one or maybe more. But slowly, once you start adding romance, and then making time to keep your romance alive and fueled, you may not need those deadlines anymore. Once you do what you set out to do, you’ll realize finding the time, or showing the love is really not all that difficult.

4. Date nights. I know I mentioned it above, but they are truly important, and I also know that for some of you having small children makes it very difficult. It shouldn’t be that difficult, but it is that important. While some couples grow closer together with children, others tend to distance themselves because it becomes overwhelming and stressful, and you don’t take the time to connect. It’s a must! You can stargaze in the back yard, take a walk, plan a movie night, breakfast in bed — whatever it is, doesn’t matter. It’s all about spending time together. I have a friend that signed up all three kids to a Sunday morning gymnastics class for an hour and a half. During that time, as a couple, they grab a cup of coffee, take a walk and catch up on their week. We have 168 hours a week, that’s roughly 672 hours a month. I’m sure everyone can find an hour or two to spend together at least once a month.

5. Have fun! I’m pretty sure deep down we all know what our significant other enjoys doing. We can either find something in common or like I mentioned above, try one of their activities and next time do one of yours. Trying something they like (that you may think you don’t) helps create a connection and the effort goes a long way. Sometimes you’d be surprised how much you actually enjoy it. Or maybe, both of you decide to try something new. There are many ways to save both time and money trying new things. You can use apps like Groupon for activities like ax-throwing or going to a concert. Or you can try something virtually. There are also a lot of free activities out there or discounted evenings/days to visit new places. The important thing is to make it fun! And of course, to do it together.

I’m not saying it’s as easy or simple as a snap of your fingers, but I truly believe that being romantic or keeping the romance alive is not that difficult if you really want it to. I also want to make it clear that while it can’t resolve marriage or all problems that may exist, sometimes, spending time together is the first step in helping to keep the flame alive.

So be thoughtful, be patient and remember to keep romance as a priority for your 2022 goals.



Tania Trozzo

Tania Trozzo believes love prevails all, and writes romance in her free time. She is the author of YA and new adult novels, "Breathe" and "Lucky Charm."